SATtoWorksetSend all SATs not in a group to a given workset.
Category: PlisskenShaftstoWorksetSend all shafts not in a group to a given workset.
SortCADElementsSort the Element Types Brought in by an exploded CAD file.
SpecialtyEquipmenttoWorksetSend all Specialty Equipment elements not in a group to a given Workset
StairstoWorksetSend all Stairs not in a group to a given workset
WallstoWorksetSend all walls not in a group to a given workset.
WhiteThe color white
YellowThe color yellow
RedThe color red
RoomSeperationLinestoWorksetSend all room seperation lines not in a group to a given workset.
- bimorphNodes (60)
- Clockwork (403)
- Core (832)
- Dynamo (1,929)
- LunchBox (162)
- Mesh (8)
- Plissken (61)
- spring nodes (138)
- SteamNodes (60)
- truevis (1)
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