“For Revit 2022 download 2022.210.1022 That number basically breaks down to:
2022 – doesn’t mean anything
210 – Dynamo 2.10
10 – current build
22 – version of Revit that it was issued for
So the same build but 2022.210.1021 would be for Revit 2021. Just FYI. I had to stick those last two digits for Revit version number at the end since every release has to have a higher number per package manager rules.”
I had read in post that this node only works with Revit 2018 or provious. Is this still the case?
Why keep it in the 2021 pacakge if you can’t use it?
“For Revit 2022 download 2022.210.1022 That number basically breaks down to:
2022 – doesn’t mean anything
210 – Dynamo 2.10
10 – current build
22 – version of Revit that it was issued for
So the same build but 2022.210.1021 would be for Revit 2021. Just FYI. I had to stick those last two digits for Revit version number at the end since every release has to have a higher number per package manager rules.”
From https://forum.dynamobim.com/t/revit-2022-dynamo-2-10-package-not-showing-up-and-icons-missing/62933/7