Core Dynamo

Create a BSplineCurve by from control vertices, weights, and knots. FROM ASM DOCS: Degree: Should be greater than 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: The knot vector should be a non-decreasing sequence. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows curves with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data. knot array: the array size must be num_control_points + degree + 1

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